Monday 7 October 2013

Monday Morning Blues - Dislike the Thought of Going Back to Work?

If the blues already start on Sunday evening, ask yourself the following questions:
  • What exactly is going on that makes you feel like this now? Perhaps you did not finish something on Friday that you should have. Or perhaps there is somebody in the office you are dreading to see because you have an unresolved issue.
  • Perhaps you are not feeling well because you do not take good enough care of yourself (eating poorly, not getting enough exercise, enough sleep, enough down time, or enough play time)?
  • If it is still Sunday, do not waste too much time thinking about the future. In other words, do not act as if it were already Monday morning. Realize what a shame it would be to ruin the last part of the weekend when it is not even yet over.
Plan ahead
  • If your attention is required to resolve an upcoming Monday morning problem at work, then take some time to think about what you need to do. Do you have to prepare something, organize your thoughts about a necessary conversation, plan shopping for food, or fit a walk into your schedule.
  • Once you organize your thoughts, if you still hate the thought of going to work, then perhaps it is the job itself that is causing your blues. A change might be in order - perhaps a change of perspective about work.
Change your perspective
  • Most things cannot be changed overnight. Yet since you will be going to work the next day, take a moment to consider what your job does do for your life, for example, paying the rent, putting food onto the table, clothes onto your back.
  • Consider what is good about your job. What other aspects - beside your paycheck - are positive? For example, do you like the team you work with or the tasks you do? Have you learned a lot? Do you enjoy where you work or enjoy the challenges it brings as compared with a more mundane job?
Make Monday morning as pleasant as possible
  • If possible, organize something on Sunday to shorten your morning preparation time. For example, decide what you will wear to work, pack your snack or lunch, and choose an activity that you would otherwise do in the morning that you can take care of on Sunday. This will help decrease some of the hectic morning rush.
  • รข€¨Practice acceptance. You will be going to work in the morning and no amount of moaning about it will change that fact. If anything, moaning will simply ruin your Sunday evening. Is this the choice you want to make?
Let Nature offer some of its energy
  • On your way to work, draw some inspiration from nature, which contains so much energy and has so much to offer. Make sure to "stop and smell the roses" - if only by looking out of the window. It is possible to find nature everywhere.
Self-Employed - Take Monday off
  • If you are self-employed or have a flexible schedule at your workplace, consider taking Monday off to do everything but work. Plan a day that has no plan. Do whatever you feel like doing whenever you feel like doing it. Being self-employed, you probably take care of work- or family-related activities over the weekend, which makes it very important to find one day that is entirely yours.
Finding a new, improved frame of mind helps you get rid of the Monday Morning Blues. The choice is yours.
Suzie Doscher is a Life Coach focusing on Personal Development. These articles are designed to give you support for you to master your steps towards behavioral, emotional and intellectual change. The articles aim to offer you tools to help cope with all the stress associated with today's lifestyle and work demands. May even just one line inspire you. Please also visit:, or

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