Thursday 10 October 2013

Do You Over-Eat? Speak Your Mind And Eat Less!

When you hold your tongue, you open your mouth! There are several reasons we "eat to feel better" & the lack of speaking your mind and heart is a major one. Ultimately, we "eat more because we feel less". We literally "feed" the sadness, heartache, anger, loneliness, anxiety, or resentment. Instead, learning to speak your mind will free you from emotional eating.
Sheila, a client of mine, maintains a seemingly "no big deal" attitude about ongoing challenges with her business partner. The biz partner tends to handle important business decisions without consulting Sheila and without informing her, leaving her unprepared in many situations. When she and I met for her coaching session, she lamented about how much she had eaten the prior evening. "I wasn't even hungry", she stated, "yet, I ate till my stomach hurt". Suspicious behavior for a woman who usually takes good care of herself... So I began asking questions about the day's/week's events prior to the binge. We uncovered, that without Sheila's knowledge, her business partner again re-arranged a project without her knowledge and was caught off guard by an employee.
Sheila said she felt very "Stupid". "Even though the change was actually a great choice, Sheila should have been consulted or at least informed. She felt devalued and a pushed aside. I asked Sheila how she had handled this issue with her partner and she replied, "I didn't". She thought she'd let it slide (again), she didn't want to cause a fuss! Well it slid alright, right into Sheila's gullet, hundreds of useless, empty and unhealthy calories due to Sheila's unwillingness to set required boundaries with her biz partner! Sheila tried to overlook it because she was afraid. Speaking your mind can be frightening at first, but the consequences of not speaking are never worth it. We also found a pattern with Shelia connecting bingeing with holding her tongue. A great discovery!
"Feel the fear and do it anyway!" Susan Jeffers
"When We Do Not Speak, We Do Eat."
Consider this ladies: every single time you withhold speaking your heart and mind, you will eat, or indulge in some other form of escape (alcohol, shopping, controlling, internet, working, TV and so on). Let me repeat that, every single time you withhold speaking your heart and mind, you will eat or indulge in some form of escape. This is without fail. Unmet needs don't go away, they just get covered up with crappy habits!
When you feel like eating or you begin to crave sugary or fatty snacks... ask yourself these three questions:
  1. Am I physically hungry? (if yes, then eat! If no, read on!)
  2. Who/what am I upset with and what did I not say but need to"?
  3. How will I handle this situation moving forward?
Tips To Speak Your Mind
1. Get centered first so you don't over react or speak ugly!
2. Speak clearly, calmly and kindly; and use as few words as possible (keep it short)
3. Do not engage in arguing. Make this commitment. No angry exchange is fruitful.
4. Share your perspective without blaming.
5. Make every effort to handle the situation immediately. BUT, if that's not possible, handle it when you can.
Good luck speaking your heart and mind. If you're afraid, just remember everything becomes easier with practice! You will get the hang of it and eating LESS is a wonderful reward!
I, Dr. Shawn Byler, Owner, Intentional Influence Ph.R.D., Life Design Expert and an expert in writing about programme on binge eating and emotional eating. I am also Dieting Be Damned program creator, a model for women to maintain an ideal weight. Try our Dieting Be Damned Program and set yourself free from many emotional and dieting based problems at one location.

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Wednesday 9 October 2013

Affiliate Marketing Provides an Immediate Turnkey Business

Your choice of an affiliate product owned by another merchant provides you with a quick start for your home based business. Thousands of marketers with an Internet business never have their own product or software.
You're able to begin your business quickly as an affiliate marketer because another merchant desires new customers and will gladly pay you handsome commissions for new sales. It's what we call a win/win for both you and the product owner.
However, we're interested in building value for YOUR home based business long term not just commissions earned today for selling another merchants product. How is that possible? Glad you asked and it's not all that difficult when you set up your home business correctly.
Always have your own website with a squeeze page for every prospect or future customer to sign up for YOUR email list. You'll want each of them to come by your place (YOUR website) and simply drop off their name and email address (on your sign up form) BEFORE you give them the link to your affiliate product.
Isn't this wasting time? Good question! Absolutely not. This ONE step is the key to your list building effort rather than being merely an affiliate product salesperson. Your goal should be to communicate long term with everyone that you can attract to various affiliate product offers you suggest.
Think of yourself as the builder of a super niche rather than just selling a few products owned by another merchant. It's true that some affiliate marketers are not this savvy in building their future business. Just imagine having 10K people signed up on YOUR email list for future business.
Obviously, nothing is ever as easy as you think. Building your business will take either money to attract new customers or your time and effort working on free sites. Most of us begin our business without customers but assume we can lure them into our front door with great product offers or lower prices that will attract them to us.
Many affiliate marketers eventually design their own product themselves or hire a specialist who can do it for them. Rather than stay in the affiliate arena they become owners where 100% commissions are earned for their home business.
Once you switch from affiliate to product owner it becomes your option to pay other affiliate marketers a percentage of income to represent your product. Some product owners have hundreds of folks selling for them which is the ultimate team effort when it's a win/win for everyone.
Now, you have a different type of customer who expects your attention to detail as well as quick payment of commissions when affiliate marketers help you to sell your product. Your goal now is to keep this group happy as affiliate team members by sending them the latest statistics on sales, maybe a newsletter from your office to motivate their sales effort on your behalf.
Top affiliates expect extra attention, bonuses on top of commissions when they exceed the norm or average recruit. Everyone needs a little push to work harder, earn more commissions, be a team leader.
In the world of Internet marketing some merchants hold webinars, weekly training sessions for all their new recruits as well as their seasoned sales staff to share tips and advice for success.
Don Monteith, writer of this article, has 32 years in business as an entrepreneur. Today, he is semi-retired but has recently teamed up with Chris Farrell, the #1 Internet Marketing trainer with an exceptional success record.
A home based business for our subscribers is our goal. Your own Plan B, for financial security, is key to your personal success as well as future streams of income and retirement funds. Learning from the expert training available on Chris' website is like taking candy from a baby. Start off with 26 videos for the asking, ALL free!
Our BEST for YOU...
Don Monteith

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Tuesday 8 October 2013

What Credit Cards Are All About

There are different credit cards, all with great advantages and you can choose the one that suits your needs best. It is essential to understand the basics and learn how to use it in a responsible manner. Credit cards allow access to a credit limit that is determined by a financial institution based on your affordability.
Determine your needs:
Credit cards are a fantastic opportunity to establish a good score on your credit profile. You have to decide if you need it for emergency situations, for traveling purposes or for spreading the cost of a purchase when you do not have the cash for it.
It is highly advisable to visit a financial institution, and discuss your particular needs with the consultant. The consultant will explain several options, fees and information to you. It is important to make an educated decision.
The basics:
Financial institutions often use terms that you may not be familiar with. Before we cover the basics of a credit card, a few definitions can be of great help for a better understanding. Here are some of the terms or glossary commonly used by consumers or consultants and which you can also find on a statement or mentioned on an agreement:
• Available credit: An amount on a consumer's credit card that is available for using. Available credit is determined by subtracting the balance from the credit limit. For example, if your credit limit is $500 and the outstanding balance is $100; your available credit will be $400.
• Average daily balance: The average daily balance equals to the amount calculated by adding each day's balance and divides the same amount by the number of days in a billing period, typically a thirty-day period.
• Billing cycle: The billing cycle refers to the number of days starting from the day after the previous closing date. The days are counted through to the current closing date.
• Balance transfer: You can switch to another financial institution and have your credit-card balance transferred.
• Cash Advance: You can apply for a cash advance on your credit card account, provided the amount does not exceed the credit limit.
• Credit: Credit given to a consumer is the ability to make purchases and pay later as agreed upon.
• Credit limit: Credit limit is also referred to as a "line of credit" and is determined by the financial institution based on a consumer's affordability and credit record. It is the maximum amount of credit you have to your availability.
• Finance charge: The cost of using a credit card is called finance charge.
• Secured: There are consumers who made a savings deposit on their credit card account. The savings deposit guarantees payments.
• Unsecured: This facility has no collateral and is issued to consumers who have a good credit score and payment history.
You can offer your credit card as payment at most merchants and enjoy access to your limit and then pay for your purchases at a later date. The financial institution pays the merchant. Each time you make a purchase, the amount of your credit limit decreases.
You can use the credit facility as much as you want, as long as you abide by the financial institution's terms. You can review your activities each month and control your spending. It is important to make payments in a timely manner to avoid additional charges.
All credit cards work basically the same and serve similar purposes, but differ in terms of rewards and interest rates. The facility is not meant to support a lifestyle one cannot afford. The primary goal should always be to maintain a good credit profile and to establish a high credit score, if used in a responsible manner.
We will provide you with the best options that could lead you to make the right decisions. This way, you can get to enjoy fully the convenience and financial freedom from your credit cards.

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Monday 7 October 2013

Monday Morning Blues - Dislike the Thought of Going Back to Work?

If the blues already start on Sunday evening, ask yourself the following questions:
  • What exactly is going on that makes you feel like this now? Perhaps you did not finish something on Friday that you should have. Or perhaps there is somebody in the office you are dreading to see because you have an unresolved issue.
  • Perhaps you are not feeling well because you do not take good enough care of yourself (eating poorly, not getting enough exercise, enough sleep, enough down time, or enough play time)?
  • If it is still Sunday, do not waste too much time thinking about the future. In other words, do not act as if it were already Monday morning. Realize what a shame it would be to ruin the last part of the weekend when it is not even yet over.
Plan ahead
  • If your attention is required to resolve an upcoming Monday morning problem at work, then take some time to think about what you need to do. Do you have to prepare something, organize your thoughts about a necessary conversation, plan shopping for food, or fit a walk into your schedule.
  • Once you organize your thoughts, if you still hate the thought of going to work, then perhaps it is the job itself that is causing your blues. A change might be in order - perhaps a change of perspective about work.
Change your perspective
  • Most things cannot be changed overnight. Yet since you will be going to work the next day, take a moment to consider what your job does do for your life, for example, paying the rent, putting food onto the table, clothes onto your back.
  • Consider what is good about your job. What other aspects - beside your paycheck - are positive? For example, do you like the team you work with or the tasks you do? Have you learned a lot? Do you enjoy where you work or enjoy the challenges it brings as compared with a more mundane job?
Make Monday morning as pleasant as possible
  • If possible, organize something on Sunday to shorten your morning preparation time. For example, decide what you will wear to work, pack your snack or lunch, and choose an activity that you would otherwise do in the morning that you can take care of on Sunday. This will help decrease some of the hectic morning rush.
Practice acceptance. You will be going to work in the morning and no amount of moaning about it will change that fact. If anything, moaning will simply ruin your Sunday evening. Is this the choice you want to make?
Let Nature offer some of its energy
  • On your way to work, draw some inspiration from nature, which contains so much energy and has so much to offer. Make sure to "stop and smell the roses" - if only by looking out of the window. It is possible to find nature everywhere.
Self-Employed - Take Monday off
  • If you are self-employed or have a flexible schedule at your workplace, consider taking Monday off to do everything but work. Plan a day that has no plan. Do whatever you feel like doing whenever you feel like doing it. Being self-employed, you probably take care of work- or family-related activities over the weekend, which makes it very important to find one day that is entirely yours.
Finding a new, improved frame of mind helps you get rid of the Monday Morning Blues. The choice is yours.
Suzie Doscher is a Life Coach focusing on Personal Development. These articles are designed to give you support for you to master your steps towards behavioral, emotional and intellectual change. The articles aim to offer you tools to help cope with all the stress associated with today's lifestyle and work demands. May even just one line inspire you. Please also visit:, or

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Sunday 6 October 2013

Exploring Zurich

blestone streets, quaint shops and restaurants. The oldest part dates all the way back to the ancient Romans when they once ruled the area. Lindenhof hill is also a main public square but has had human settlements since the prehistoric era. You can view roman ruins but mostly the historic area is a place to relax and enjoy the community around you. St. Peter's church can be found here which was once built on the site of Roman temple to Jupiter. Each street is lined with medieval buildings and the ancient wall that once protected the city can also be seen.
The 14th century Fraumunster abbeys as well as the Augustinian abbey are among the many historic sites here in the cities old town. The Church of Our Lady also located here had beautiful stained glass windows and along with the 12th century Great Church are two of the most recognizable landmarks in Zurich. In the Niederdorf neighborhood, the streets are filled with lots of shops, restaurants, and bars, making it one of the liveliest spots for a enjoying the nightlife.
Flutern Cemetary
If you are in the mood for some spooky sightseeing, the Flutern Cemetary is the final resting place to many remarkable people who have lived in Zurich. The famous James Joyce, who wrote the iconic Ulysses, lived here during the turn of the century and probably the most visited gravesite. The cemetery is a perfect place to hike or bike to and is one of the most scenic cemeteries you'll come across in your travels. In the summer the grounds are green and lush and bordered by a beautiful wooded area. It's truly a chance to enjoy nature and appears to be more like a park than a cemetery. The hills also provide some great views of the area as well.
Zurich Zoo
A short walk from Flutern Cemetary and you walk right into one of the best zoos in Europe. This massive zoo first opened in 1929 and now displays over 300 species. The grounds of the zoo are covered in beautiful foliage and flowers that will surely relax visitors no matter what their age. The zoo has all of the most exciting animals and plants and is also heavily involved in conservation efforts around the world. It will no doubt delight the youngest of travelers the most including the beautiful new rainforest exhibit.
Swiss National Museum
This museum, located within an actual castle, houses many artifacts tracing back throughout Switzerland's history. It offers interesting anecdotes and stories about the nation's history. Keep in mind though, since the museum was in fact a castle and not a modern building, the layout can be somewhat confusing but a good map and some patience and you are sure to get your money's worth. The castle also has some tall towers that give you a great panoramic view of the city. There are also several other art museums throughout the city to explore as well such as the Kunsthaus Zurich and Rietberg Museum.
Lake Promenade
If you want to relax and enjoy a warm summer day with the locals, a trip to the Lake Promenade will be well worth a visit. People gather by the thousands during the summer. The nearby Lake Zurich boasts many boaters and sunbathers and with the beautiful mountains in the background it is post-card perfect. The entire area is adorned with beautiful flowers, trees, and foliage and will make you forget you are in a landlocked country. If you rent a boat and tour the lake you can admire the charming Swiss cottages and birds fluttering about while you take in the fresh mountain air. Though winter months can quite chilly on the lake, the snowy white view and quite chilled air is breathtaking.
For more information on traveling to Switzerland please visit

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Saturday 5 October 2013

3 Memorable Stories on How Preschool Benefits Your Child

Preschools are a great way for your child to benefit in different ways. First, they'll have to come out of their shell a bit. After all, when you're around other kids you can't be off by yourself. That shyness will soon become a thing of the past.
Next, creativity really has a chance to blossom in preschool. Kids can come up with fun ways to do things, and find creative ways to do old things differently. And sometimes you can even show off.
Finally your child will see lots of new things at preschool. Not everyday is learning and games. Sometimes special visitors come to preschools that show your child interesting new things in the world.
Below are three memorable stories about my own preschool days and how they benefited me.
Out of the Shell
Sending your child off to daycare or preschool is a great way to get them out of their shells. What does this mean exactly? Well, you know how you child can clam up around strangers, hide behind your leg, and not want to say a thing, right? Some children can be the most precocious around those they know and complete wallflowers when strangers come around.
That can be a good thing, but eventually children need to open up. I remember when I was about four or five years old and it was about time for me to enter preschool. I don't know all the particulars that went into it, but it was arranged that the teacher would come to our house to meet us.
Whether Mrs. Lyman did that for all the children or not I'm not sure, but I have a feeling she did. It's a great way for teachers, parents, and children to all become comfortable around one another, something that's necessary when kids are going off by themselves for the better part of a day.
We lived way outside of town in the valley and Mrs. Lyman would've had to have driven a long ways. When she got there I was in my room and stayed behind the door while she and my mom talked. Finally the time came and I was called out into the living room to meet the teacher. I thought it would be fun to come out under a blanket, but perhaps I was just nervous more than anything.
I crawled out under my blanket, and probably was told to come out from under it, which I didn't. My mom had to pull it off me, and neither she nor Mrs. Lyman looked as overly impressed as I thought they'd be. I still had a long way to go with my social skills, and it was quite obvious I was still in my shell, or blanket.
Chances to Let the Creative Spirit Shine
Your child is creative, as are all young children. Just look at the things they draw, the structures they build, and the stories they make up. When children get to preschool they've got a whole new environment that'll spark their creativity. You'll be amazed at the levels this creativity will rocket to!
I remember going to preschool one morning. We'd usually be given a good 15 to 20 minutes in which to run around and generally wear ourselves out before things got organized and the day began.
That morning some of the other boys found the costume closet, something we usually would have little interest in. But lo and behold when we opened it, there was a Batman costume! Everyone thought that was the coolest, but I thought I'd one up them, so I started putting it on.
It was a tough go, since I was pulling this thin nylon costume up over my jeans and shirt. It took quite awhile to get it even halfway on, and by that time Mrs. Lyman was calling all the students into the other room to sit around in our circle of chairs.
I'd have to be fast to finish, something that'd be tough with my shoes still on. There would be no way I'd get the costume on completely without taking my shoes off, and that'd mean I'd have to tackle those Velcro straps. I pulled it off somehow and marched into the other room late, but sporting my awesome Batman costume!
The other students were quite impressed, even a few of the girls who were eyeing the princess costume enviously. Mrs. Lyman also looked quite impressed, but probably just at the fact that I wasn't even more late to class. She let me parade around a minute and then sent me out to take the thing off. It was a fun day at preschool, one that allowed me to show off my creativity a bit, and that I still remember more than 25 years later.
Get Introduced to New Things
Preschools are great at introducing children to new and exciting things. And hey, it really doesn't take that much to get a 4-year old excited! Things that we take for granted can be quite wondrous to young children, and preschools often have little 'events' several times a year.
One day at preschool Mrs. Lyman told us that we'd have some special visitors later that day. Everyone got excited wondering who these people could be. Maybe they'd be circus clowns! Perhaps some firefighters! Or even the ice cream man!
The possibilities were endless and our imaginations soared. It might well have been that Mrs. Lyman had been informing us for several days who these special visitors were, but we'd long forgotten. So when the afternoon came around we were all quit surprised to see a horse trailer pull up outside the school.
We rushed outside just in time to see some llamas being taken from the truck. Most of us had never seen these funny-looking creatures before and it was a real delight. The owner told us all about them, what they ate, where they lived, and what they liked to do. It was a real fun afternoon, and quite exciting too when Andy almost got spit on.
Overall it was another memorable day, and another good reason why preschools can be so fun!
We hope that this article is helpful to all parents who are looking for high quality child care for their children. If you are looking for more information on child care, child development, kid's projects and family activities, check out the Country Home website.

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Friday 4 October 2013

Genetics: The Unique Blueprint for Heart Health

Do you often slack off on the healthy habits you commit to? It's easy to say that you are doing better than someone else or you are not doing so badly. What if you had a more definitive answer to what your risks are? Medicine has evolved a great deal. Risk was measured by your personal and family history and a few measures. Blood sugar and cholesterol were the major metabolic markers measured in blood to determine risk of heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer's. There are many more sophisticated markers and now your genetic blueprint can better determine your risk. This is personalized medicine. It is tailored to your unique genetics and metabolism. Having this information can enable you to make better decisions regarding your health. It can also help you determine which lifestyle factors, supplements or medications will be most effective. This is true prevention. If you catch something early, you have to power to change
Is Your Heart Stressed?
Even if your blood pressure, pulse and cholesterol are normal, your heart can be stressed. Your heart sends out signals when it's under stress. N-terminal fragment of the prohormone B-type natriuretic peptide or NT-ProB is a neurohormone produced when your heart is stressed. It may be produced when you have decreased blood flow to the heart, angina, heart failure, poor contraction or relaxation and a variety of heart conditions or cardiovascular disease. It is a strong predictor of sub clinical heart ailments- these are not yet expressed clinically and would not be detected by any other means.
Are you at increased risk of atrial fibrillation or stroke?
Atrial fibrillation is a heart rhythm disturbance that frequently causes stroke, fainting, weakness and shortness of breath all of which can lead to heart attack, stroke and possibly death. Studies show that 22-30% of the population carries a gene that puts them at increased risk of developing these conditions. The 4q25-AF Risk Genotype Test can determine if you have gene variants that put you at risk. If found, further testing can determine the underlying issue and how to best address it so you don't have to suffer the consequences. You may need anti clotting agents or aspirin but some people are at increased risk for stroke with these medications. Wouldn't you want to know what is safe and effective for you?
Will aspirin increase your risk of stroke?
Doctors often recommend an aspirin a day to decrease your risk of heart attack. However, if you don't have the LPA gene you are 15 times more likely to have bleeding episodes or hemorrhages in your stomach or brain. Knowing your status can enable you to make wise choices. An aspirin can help you or harm you depending on your genes.
Genetic testing personalizes your care
LPA-Intron 25 gene can predict your risk of Coronary Heart Disease (CD), the KIF6 Genotype Test can determine your response to statin drugs, and the CYP2C19 Genotype Test can determine how well you metabolize anti clotting agents. Rapid metabolizers are at increased risk of bleeding and can have a hemorrhagic stroke from bleeding into the brain. Poor metabolizers may not benefit from certain anti clotting agents. Genetic testing can unlock the answers to what works best for you.
Genes are NOT your destiny
Genes are like light switches. Your lifestyle, environment, supplements, habits and medications can turn them on or off. You are not at the fate of your genes, Your genetic blueprint can assist you and your doctor in personalized care. You can determine your risk as well as the best preventive or treatment strategies Invest in your health by consulting with a physician who has expertise in personalized medicine. You can prevent heart attacks and prevent strokes if you act before it occurs.
Lorraine Maita, MD is an award winning physician, speaker and author of "Vibrance for Life: How to Live Younger and Healthier" and can make you slim, sharp, sexy and supercharged. She is an expert in anti aging medicine, bioidentical hormone replacement, and weight loss, nutrition, supplements and executive health. Dr. Maita has a private practice in Anti Aging Medicine in Short Hills, NJ and educates virtually at Get a consult NOW so you can live younger and healthier.

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Thursday 3 October 2013

How Much to Save for a Retirement With Dignity

The rule of thumb for retirement planners when asked how to save for retirement is to suggest that people put aside 20%-30% of their working income for retirement needs. I don't know many people, these days, who can afford that on current salaries when you factor in cost of living and other expenses. If you have a very high income then you can of course afford to put aside more and to actively invest.
So, it may be that when you ask yourself how much to save for retirement that you have to put aside 20-30%, even factoring in supplemental retirement income like social security (government pension plans outside of the US), private or public sector pension plans, other annuity or investment income. You have to also factor in the lilihood that future tax rates may be higher than they are today, so one consideration now is are you using a tax deferred or an up front retirement investment vehicle?
I also would caution readers who are coming to grips with this situation to also diversify their investments between the risky high yield kind to the more conservatiove kind, as well as working precious metals like silver and maybe gold into their portfolio. Precious metals hold and store value for the long haul. Just make sure that you take delivery of the metal and store it securely without fanfare so no one knows you have it.
Another thing that you can do to make sure that you have enough to retire on is increase your income. I know it's pretty impossible to do that with just a regular job, unless you have a high ceiling and know you're going places with it. If that's not the case for you, then strongly consider several possibilities:
  • Get a second "moonlighting" job - these are low paying with unfriendly hours.Trading time for money.
  • Do part time consulting if you have a skill that is marketable - again you are trading time for money.
  • Buy and sell things online - lots of labor and also overhead like inventory storage, postage, etc.
  • Get into network marketing of some sort - this has a high potential payoff that can solve your problem completely. The issue is which ones to choose and also you have to stick with it and be consistent and persistent and not give up easily. We are blessed though that there are so many of these out there to choose from. There are traditional and online versions. The internet based ones offer the benefit of working from home and not having to approach family or friends for support.
There may be more, but I believe those cover most of the basics.
So what have we learned today?
  • When pondering how much to save for retirement, you have to save a substantial portion of your current income OR make enough extra to offset or exceed this, which gives you more for saving and investing.
  • You should diversify what investments that you have in order to minimize risk.
  • You should consider the possibility of opening up extra income streams so that how much to save for retirement becomes an academic question because you are covered.
So there you have it. That is this author's take. I believe it's sound advice and well worth consideration. Only YOU can take control of your future needs and make sure that they are met. Do not depend on others or the government because neither will cover your needs, unless you're a member of Congress, or a member of the political governing class, but that's another article altogether.
Tom loves to write on a variety of subjects. He has worked in the software industry for over 18 years, and while technology is his first love, he is fascinated by too many subjects to list. Currently, he has been working his site, Empower Network System, and in that he teaches others how to open up other income streams and answer questions on topics like "get paid to blog", so that they have more money to invest for their future.

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Wednesday 2 October 2013

3 Simple Ways You Can Save Some of That Hard Earned Cash!

It seems like everything is going up these days except one thing, our paychecks. So rough times call for certain measures to make sure we swim and don't end up sinking. Most of us get paid, and after a few days we notice most of our money is gone. Sometimes this happens way before we even pay our bills, then we get caught in a situation where we don't have enough money to cover our expenses, let alone have enough money to survive. So we have to find ways to manipulate our expenses and how we utilize our money when we have it. Most of us get paid either weekly, or bi weekly, while others who are self-employed pay themselves as the money comes in.
Regardless of how you get your money, we all have to come up with lucrative ways to make it last a little bit longer. So here are some ways that you can save some money while eliminating things we don't really need, use, or can live without.
1. Subscriptions
Many of us have a few subscriptions we don't even pay attention to. The problem is this; those subscriptions can end up costing us an arm and a leg in the long run. Depending on what they are, they can cost us a pretty penny at the end of each month. A big waste of money is movie rental subscriptions and gym memberships. Most people who sign up for a gym NEVER end up going back after a month or so. I'm an avid gym rat, so I see people come in all of the time; most of them never end up coming back after a week or so. The problem is this, you're paying $25.00 and up for a monthly membership every month. That's money that can be going into something else like a savings account, rainy day fund, or a bill of some sort.
2. Lottery tickets
Now I have to admit that even I play the lottery every so often, but if your spending large amounts of money daily, then you my friend have a problem. It's hard to stay away from the lottery, since they're very sneaky with their marketing efforts. A simple way to combat this problem is to do this. If you're putting down large amounts of money on the lottery and haven't won yet, then STOP for awhile. Or try to play less, play only a few bucks instead of throwing down tons of money. In place of the lottery, put that money in a fund or in a box and save it up, you'll be amazed how much you will start to save.
3. Gas station items
Most of us go into gas stations looking to get one thing, gas. We end up spending way more then we should, and than we wonder where our money all went. By simply either sticking to the plan, or paying outside via debit card, we can save some money. Stop going into the gas station to get chips and sodas. Most of the time they mark up the prices way more than you would get them at a regular grocery store. So if you aren't dieing of hunger or thirst, skip buying stuff at these places.
For more money saving tips and ways to fatten up your wallet or purse, check out

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Tuesday 1 October 2013

If You Take No Risks, You'll Never Do Anything Great!

Great leaders cannot be controlled by trying to avoid making any mistakes or being criticized. Rather, they always realize that unless someone is willing to take on some risk, he will never accomplish anything of any meaning. In fact, the only individual who never will do anything risky is someone who does nothing. However, after full consideration, it must be understood that doing nothing is perhaps the riskiest and most potentially dangerous action of all. True leadership requires: 1. Having the courage of one's convictions and be guided by them; 2. Absolute focus and commitment; 3. There is never a perfect time to do anything, and you never have the luxury of waiting for things to happen rather than making them happen; and, 4. Learn, think, analyze, and then do it! (Take action)
1. You are not a real leader if you are guided by your fears, rather than being led by what's right and wrong, what's needed and necessary, and what needs to be done to assure that what you do is the best present course to getting where you hope to be.
2. Real leaders cannot partially commit, and must take care to pay attention to details, plan and prepare thoroughly and effectively, commit to one's plan, focus on the goals that you hope to achieve and feel are needed, and doing all you can to transform your dreams to meaningful goals, and then using one's goals as a guide to create an action plan. True focus must be an absolute, and must be principled and in accordance with the mission of an orgnization.
3. Perhaps the most essential lesson that any leader must learn and understand is that there is never a perfect or ideal time to do anything. One may not wait for the luxury of waiting for that to happen, but must analyze the needs and situations, and develop a plan and take action in a timely manner. Some not ready for prime time pseudo - leaders are stifled by their fears, when what is needed is to understand the risks, but understand that there are always ramifications of either taking action or avoiding doing so. In the vast majority of instances, procrastination is the single biggest "cancer" to achieving to one's potential.
4. True leaders are constantly training, learning from what they are taught and experience in order to develop needed expertise, know what it means to think and doing so, comprehensively analyzing, and then doing whatever is needed in a proactive and impactful manner.
Great leaders must be willing to take risks. However, following an intelligent and focused approach translates to actual risk management and the best and most meaningful leadership.
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to over a thousand leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for over 30 years. Rich has written three books and well over a thousand articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook

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Monday 30 September 2013

MS Word - How to Fix and Recover Word Document Files

'Microsoft Word' is one of the most extensively used Microsoft applications that allows user to create, view, paste, copy, edit, save, print and share documents. It enables the user to enhance their documents by inserting animated images, photographs, diagrams, charts, images, shapes etc. MS Word create an electronic document that is widely used to type articles, letters, essays, memoranda, legal content and member list Owing to its user-friendliness, MS Word finds its utilization for commercial, noncommercial and private sectors.
Do you know that MS Word document file is prone to severe corruption? Yes it's true; a doc file can get easily damaged. MS Word file gets corrupt due to various reasons including Trojan or Virus attacks, abrupt system shutdown, malfunction of any hardware or software and sudden cancellation of the application.
At first instance, a corrupt MS Word file will not open and if it opens it might show some unusual behaviors like improper formatting, incorrect document layout, re-pagination and even the system crash. These changes are the clear indications that your file has damaged.
There are several ways by which you can repair the damaged doc file, these include:
  • Try opening other documents in Word on the same computer
  • Look for other copies of your document on another computer or email
  • Run CHKDSK utility to check corruption at the file system level.
  • Save the document in a different file format like.rtf or.txt. After opening the converted doc, resave it in a new version of.doc or.docx
  • Use Word's built-in text converter utility. In Word, click on Microsoft Office button in the upper left part and then select Open from the File
  • From the Open dialog select "Recover Text from Any File" from dropdown file list, select the file that you want to convert. Reset the dropdown file list into one of the Word document formats to prevent Word from using the recover text utility
  • Use Word's Open and Repair. This feature repairs Word documents. To use this feature, follow these steps:
  1. Choose the Open option for your Word 2007
  2. In the Open dialog select the file you wish to open and repair
  3. Click the down arrow beside the Open button and select Open and Repair from the menu
  • Use a shadow copy by right-clicking and selecting Properties from the popup menu. Select Previous Versions tab from one of the available versions on the Properties dialog. (NOTE: Previous Versions tab appears only if your hard drive is NTFS formatted). Be aware of the fact that a shadow copy will not be as complete as a backup you created
If all these steps fail to fix the corrupt file then the possible solution left with you is to go for a 'third-party' Microsoft Word Recovery Software. Microsoft Word Recovery Software can effectively perform strenuous task of repairing as well as recovering of If all these steps fail to fix the corrupt file then the possible solution left with you is to go for a 'third-party' Microsoft Word Recovery Software. Microsoft Word Recovery Software can effectively perform strenuous task of repairing as well as recovering damaged file in just a nick of time.
SysInfoTools MS Word Recovery enables the user to successfully recover corrupt MS Word documents. It efficiently scans the damaged file and performs the recovery of single as well as multiple doc files to recover maximum data. To the delight of the users,it supports a unique previewing feature in both text as well as image form.
You can avail this magnificent product at:

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Sunday 29 September 2013

Why Should I Choose A Modular Sofa?

When it comes to choosing a sofa for your living room, there are three major designs that dominate the marketplace - traditional, corner unit or modular sofa. While traditional sofas have always dominated the marketplace there has been a noticeable trends towards corner units and more recently modular sofas which have come to be celebrated as the sofa of choice for the discerning consumer with money to spend on their home décor. So if you are looking to redecorate your living space this season, why should you choose a modular sofa from the three major styles?
Perhaps the most obvious benefit of modular sofas is there unique selling point which is the ability to split them apart and reassemble them by rearranging the separate sofa segments which come together to form the final piece. This means that a variety of different room arrangements can be constructed ranging from conventional compositions to classic L or U shaped designs, effectively making a modular sofa interchangeable with a traditional design or corner unit which is perfect for those who like to adjust their room arrangement on a frequent basis or for special occasions or to create different moods.
In addition to this fundamental USP, it's also worth singing the praises of modular sofas when it comes to their design style and composition. Unlike traditional designs, modular sofas use a sunken backrest to convey a feeling of informality, a refreshing modern touch which appeals to a younger urban audience who typically favour light, open plan living spaces. Yet with extended dimensions in terms of depth and width, modular sofas are also extremely capacious seating large groups quite comfortably, specifically when arranged in an L or U shaped alignment. As a result, many interior designers argue that modular suites represent the perfect balance between design and functionality when it comes to the typical living room.
If you live in a modern apartment where your living space is typically open plan and involves a great deal of space and light, modular sofas can also represent the perfect centrepiece as their low rise design will allow them to be placed at the very heart of the living space without disrupting the existing room aesthetic or creating an artificial division which inhibits either human movement or communication within the room. This has almost become the default room placement for large modular suites and features prominently in showrooms and magazine advertisements, such is the appeal of this look with a variety of furniture manufacturers and interior designers operating in the luxury sector of the market.
Hopefully this article has provided some thought for food if you are weighting up your options when it comes to your next sofa purchase. However, if you are still unsure about whether or not to purchase a modular sofa the best advice is to consult with a professional in the field. Speak to an interior designer to understand what style of sofa is likely to work with your existing look, completing and accentuating the natural features of your interior space. There is also a wealth of information, advice and inspiration available to access for free on the internet which is well worth a look if you prefer to make your own creative decisions when it comes to home décor.
To find out more about modular sofas click here to visit a leading UK supplier based in London.

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Saturday 28 September 2013

Type 2 Diabetes - Warning Signs of High Blood Sugar and Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is an insidious disease but if you know what symptoms to watch for, you may be able to catch it in the prediabetes stage or in the early stages of full-blown diabetes when it is easier to reverse. Warning signs to watch for include...
Do you make frequent trips to the bathroom? If you're urinating more frequently, it means there's an abundance of sugar in your blood. If your body can't supply any, or enough insulin to allow sugar to enter your cells, your kidneys become overwhelmed by a serious sugar bath and they pull water out of your blood in an attempt to dilute the sugar. Your kidneys then continuously draw extra water out of your blood in an effort to dilute the high amount of sugar coming through. All the water fills your bladder, then you urinate. Then you become thirsty again, rehydrate, and the cycle continues.
If you are drinking extra water and feel continually thirsty, this is another indicator of high blood sugar. See your doctor if this occurs.
If you feel fatigued and run down, it's due to the cells not reacting to insulin or insulin not being available. When the glucose from your meals cannot enter your cells to make energy, you constantly feel tired.
If you are losing weight without trying, it could be because your cells are ignoring insulin which can no longer move sugar into the cells. You lose weight without trying even if you eat all day, because you lose muscle mass. Your body breaks down muscle cells in order to get energy. And without a constant source of glucose in your cells, your muscle tissue shrinks.
Diabetic neuropathy is where you feel numbness and/or tingling in your extremities. It is associated with blood sugar levels staying high for long periods of time.
Eye problems can also occur. You may notice pain or blurry vision due to your high blood sugar pulling fluid from the lenses of your eyes. This can affect your ability to focus.
You could behave abnormally and appear to be drunk. This can come about due to high or low blood sugar. You may not even be aware you're behaving differently to normal so it's up to people around you to take action to help you, even if it means getting you to a hospital.
Some people with Type 2 diabetes have patches of dark skin in folds and creases of their bodies... often in the armpit, neck, knuckles and groin. It looks similar to dirt, but you can't wash it off.
Bladder and vaginal infections can be a problem for women with diabetes. Skin infections and wounds are slow to heal in prediabetics and Type 2 diabetics.
Many people get a surprise when their doctor gives them a diagnosis of prediabetes or Type 2 diabetes. If people pay attention to their bodies, however, they wouldn't be surprised. Type 2 diabetes develops slowly and announces itself in all kinds of ways.
Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. By making simple changes to your daily routine, its possible to protect your heart, kidneys, eyes and limbs from the damage often caused by diabetes, and eliminate many of the complications you may already experience.
For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.
The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

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Friday 27 September 2013

Pave the Way to a Great Career With a Masters in Physical Therapy

Getting a degree in physical therapy can be the start of a very rewarding career in an essential healthcare field.
Especially suited for individuals who are compassionate, patient, and want to make an immediate impact helping others, physical therapy involves mostly hands-on, one on one contact with patients.
Earning a masters will prepare students for the job, which can be a demanding profession, but at the same time has also been called one of the best professions to work in.
With medical jobs projected to steadily rise over the next years, this could be the best time for anyone considering becoming a physical therapist to get the education they need and enter this challenging, yet important career.
Getting the Right Education in Physical Therapy
As in any medical industry profession, getting the right education is essential in order to have access to the best jobs, and the most job advancement.
Prospective students should research and apply to only accredited schools that offer complete programs, which will adequately prepare them for the demands of their chosen profession.
Additionally, failure to attend an accredited or recognized college program will result in graduates being ineligible to take the certification examination, which is necessary before they can be considered legally able to become employed as physical therapists.
Acceptance into a good school is usually very competitive, so putting in extra effort ahead of time to present the most complete application is important for anyone interested in earning a masters in physical therapy.
That means planning early for applying to programs by tailoring undergraduate course work - and even high school classes - toward getting in the most science, social science and health related classes possible.
Doing so will work favorably for applicants, who will appear to be confident in their decision to study physical therapy. It will also help them in getting the most essential general classes finished before graduate school, which may be helpful in lightening the course load once accepted to a graduate program.
Earn a Masters in Physical Therapy
Schooling for a career involves graduating a 4-year baccalaureate program with emphasis on courses suited for the medical profession, and then graduating a postgraduate specialized program.
Most physical therapy programs are 3 to 4 years long. After earning their masters in physical therapy and becoming certified, they are then able to seek employment in any of a number of settings where physical therapists are employed, such as rehabilitation facilities, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, home care agencies and more.
Even after graduation and becoming employed, there are many more educational opportunities for physical therapists since it is a very broad field of study. Some students may wish to continue their education while they are working to earn a more advanced postgraduate doctoral degree, or become certified in a number of specialty areas.
There are numerous residency programs and fellowships as well, where accepted individuals will continue to learn while working in advanced positions in their field to gain the necessary experience and expertise to specialize, or become qualified for more managerial roles.
Great Benefits to Working in Physical Therapy
Graduates who have earned their masters in physical therapy and are eligible for employment will find that not only is the job highly personally rewarding, the profession usually offers a very attractive salary as well.
Due in part to the fact that people live longer today than they ever have, as well as a shifting of demographics with an increase in elderly populations, physical therapists are in demand today.
The employment landscape for qualified practitioners has been increasing for the past few years, and is expected to continue to do so throughout the year 2020.
Another positive is the fact that jobs are increasing much faster than the general occupational pool, and even faster than most other healthcare jobs, and with those increases, salaries have been increasing as well.
With the benefits outlined above, and the chance to enter an essential profession where helping people in recovery from illness or injury is a priority.
After earning a masters in physical therapy, graduates have a broad spectrum of work opportunities ahead of them, enabling physical therapists to find their perfect niche, and make a great living doing something that they love.
Getting involved in Healthcare is a fantastic career move, For more information on healthcare like Degree Online or for general advice please visit our site now

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Thursday 26 September 2013

Starting A Home Business - Stop Asking and Complaining, Just Do It!

Practically everyone dreams of starting a home business. Can you imagine becoming your own boss and actually deciding which products and services you are going to promote? Yes, it's really a dream to have freedom on everything - time, money and wealth. But the dream is not magical, that a blink of an eye can make everything happen.
This can be a sadden truth for most aspiring online entrepreneurs who are starting a home business, make a name and create a profitable income in the internet marketing world. Most of these starters either fail or remain where they are without any further development in their chosen career. The saddest thing is, most just 'quit' because of unfortunate circumstances.
There can be various reasons why success is difficult to reach. These include lack of cash flow, fall from fraudulent companies or just lack of understanding the system. Or maybe the competition is so steep until you find it difficult to compete with other online marketers. Let's just add a lack of influence, guidance and support from the people around you to the list as well.
But on the brighter side, it is not too late to start all over again and finish what you have started - to become successful in online business. This is only possible if you have core values like persistency and consistency to pursue your chosen career. Assessing and understanding why you fail is vital. It will help you analyze your past mistakes and change your path. It will allow you to avoid what you have done wrong and do what is right. There's no such phrase as 'too late' because there is a reason why you fail.
Maybe you're afraid to take a risk again. Maybe you're hesitant. Maybe it's not really for you.
Remember that success starts when you remove 'maybe' from your thoughts and stop complaining about why you are unfortunate, why you are not making money or why you're doing all these things and still nothing happens. It starts with removing all the doubts and start taking action now.
No excuses.
Making excuses create a negative thought from a person that eventually leads to a bad habit.
I can't do it because I don't know this technical stuff, I can't do it because I have tried once and I failed or I can't do it because only top earners of the company can make seven figures and I'm only starting a home business. These thoughts poison your mind and discourage you from achieving your goals.
You must stop blaming yourself for having these thoughts because what you have experienced happened in the past. But should that be a reason for you not to try again?? I guess you're the only one who can answer this question and I'll leave it to you.
To achieve success in online marketing one must fully understand the online marketing system. If you want to learn the different online marketing strategies in autopilot, make sure to click here, or visit my official website for more marketing tips and massive lead generation.

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Is A New Sound System Really Necessary?

Advanced sound systems are becoming more and more prevalent these days. As technology, in general, becomes more advanced many businesses and churches are looking into upgrading or installing state of the art sound systems to make worship and events more pleasant for attendees. Is a new sound system really necessary and what should you be looking for? With money being an obvious issue for all of us, being frugal is necessary while being educated is a must.
Price is often the biggest consideration when we're talking about upgrading or expanding a PA system for a church or any other establishment, as far as that's concerned. Some people are going to balk at the price tag, of course, but the necessity and need should be discussed first. An old sound system can be embarrassing to any venue, as a whole. Whether it be your normal Sunday service, a wedding or any gathering, it sets a bad tone, so to speak, when malfunctions occur or when the sound system simply isn't as robust and reliable as you might hope it could be. Imagine having a problem during a wedding or having older attendees having difficulty hearing the speaker from the back of a large room. Vital information is lost and people become frustrated.
A newer system is almost invisible and it can only enhance the listener's experience while an old crackling system detracts from what your audience came to see and hear. New headsets that are almost invisible and which utilize wireless technology help both the audience and the speaker to forget that sound is being amplified. Say goodbye to old school lapel mics and a speaker being chained to the front of the room or the pulpit, so to speak.
When looking into a new system for your business, venue or church, take some time and learn about all the options that you have. Think of all the different scenarios where your going to be using the system in addition to worship services. Maybe during the holidays you have a choir or the children put on plays. Perhaps you're thinking of adding instruments to the worship service at some point.
Choose a system that can grow with your church and look a few years into the future and plan for the almost unexpected applications where a robust sound system might be helpful. A solid, basic system that is scalable and well thought out is an investment that the church will benefit from for years to come.
Visit to learn more about sound systems and PA system technologies.

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